Native Village of Napaimute Tribal Response Program is our opportunity to inventory, assess, and clean up our environment. Existing toxic waste is known to be in and around our village and surrounding areas. The repositories of toxic material weathered and eroded from numerous mining sites along the Kuskokwim River Watershed, particularly from the poorly environmentally documented Mid-Kuskokwim River Basin, Holokuk River Basin, Komakofsky River Basin, New York Creek, Crooked Creek, Oskwalik River, Victoria Creek, Sue Creek, and George River Basin. These watersheds are major tributaries of the Kuskokwim River and are dotted with derelict mines, mining interests, abandoned villages, and historic harbor landing sites.
The goal of this program is to inventory, assess, plan, and ultimately, to facilitate the cleanup of prioritized/pertinent Brownfield sites in a streamlined and cost-effective manner, thus reducing associated health issues. Due diligence will focus on sites in and around Napaimute that affect the Native Village of Napaimute and neighboring villages either upstream or downstream from Napaimute that may at any time be adversely affected by identified potential Brownfields sites. Building of partnerships with entities that possess a shared vision; a vision of environmental cleanup up of areas impacting traditional subsistence activities and the establishment of baseline data for potentially future use areas.